Individual consultation is a consulting tool for solving non-standard business problems. The client is offered three package proposals different in content, duration and complexity, from setting strategic goals by perspectives, building a strategy and creating a structure for a consulting project, to ensuring control of work related to its development and direct implementation.
An individual consultation, as part of the «Minimum» package offer, takes place in the form of a two-hour in-depth interview, which is a comfortable informal personal conversation. During the interview, the respondent's personal expert opinion about his worldview, current desires, basic needs and values is explored. The data obtained is analyzed, compared with the stated intentions and summarized in the form of strategic goals. Use the special offer «Two hours for the price of one» and get 50% off!
As part of the cascade individual consultations of the «Basic» package, strategic goals are decomposed into a multi-level hierarchy of interrelated tasks: building a strategic map and developing a strategy, formalizing strategic initiatives. The quality of achieving the set strategic goals for each of the prospects depends on how accurately the structure of the consulting project is formed.
The «Maximum» individual consultation package includes work to ensure daily control of the direct development and implementation of a consulting project. The controlling process is based on the use of plan-fact analysis. With the help of this tool, planned and actual indicators are compared, deviations between them are explained, with further formulation of conclusions and recommendations for making timely management decisions.